Females Excelling More in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science
FEMMES is an national organization dedicated to engaging middle school girls in STEM in an effort to increase gender parity. The UChicago chapter of FEMMES focuses specifically on bringing hands-on CS activities to underprivileged students on Chicago's south-side community. This year, as Events Director, I will be responsible for all event logistics for our chapter. Over the last two years I have designed logos, flyers, stickers, and apparel for FEMMES. Our small student-run chapter has impacted over 300 girls and raised over $50,000 in funding. Read about our 2016 Capstone Event!

Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code is national nonprofit that seeks to empower and equip young women with computer science skills to pursue future careers in technology. Teaching for Girls Who Code was an inspiring experience that showed me the power of encouraging girls to pursue technology. Of the 40,000 students Girls Who Code has reached, I have been fortunate enough to teach 40 students.

UChicago Cheerleading
Cheerleading is an activity I started at the end of my freshman year. My time on the cheer team has continuously shown me the power of team effort, confidence, and encouragement. I am proud to be a member of a team that has grown so much and that consistently works to improve.